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- For medium and high strength industrial wastewater
- Enchased side stream MBR and AnMBR (Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor)
- Small footprint
- Simple process
Gain peace of mind with an efficient membrane filtration system for challenging wastewater treatment: Pentair X-Flow Crossflow MBR Solution operates in the crossflow membrane filtration principle using the Pentair X-Flow 5.2 or 8 mm Compact Membrane Elements. Benefiting from the Pentair X-Flow Flux Enhancement Helix Technology, it prevents cake formation on the membrane layer by producing higher permeate flows at lower crossflow velocities and saves energy compared to the traditional crossflow membrane filtration systems.
In combination with the bioreactor, the X-Flow Crossflow MBR Solution as the sidestream membrane bioreactor system assures simple operation with effective cleaning of the membranes and easy maintenance.
X-Flow Crossflow MBR Solution combines membranes with biological treatment. Crossflow MBR is a unique membrane solution for the treatment of wastewater, such as produced water with oily content.
With carefully selected partners, Pentair develops innovative and ready-to-use membrane installations that meet both regulatory and financial KPIs.
With world-class X-Flow Membrane Solutions and Pentair X-Flow Membrane+ Approach, you’ll gain peace of mind. Delivering what you and your customers strive for – treating high strength wastewater and producing high-quality filtrate in wastewater treatment applications.
Developed for (industrial) wastewater applications, the X-Flow Crossflow MBR Solution is at its best with difficult to treat wastewater. Crossflow MBR needs more energy (1,5-4 kWh/m³) than our X-Flow Airlift Solution (<0,25 kWh/m3), but offers the advantages of a continuous process and a minimal footprint. Furthermore, it can deal with very high MLSS (12-30+ g/l) and work with a significantly higher flux (80-200 l/m2h).
In specific circumstances, with a COD > 7,000 ppm, the business case for anaerobic MBR may be more favorable, as it also produces renewable energy (biogas). Based on your specific feedwater characteristics, our specialist can easily determine the optimum solution for your challenge.This type of MBR is suited for feed capacities <100m3/h.

The related membrane elements for this technology are shown below.
The Compact 27 is a tubular 8 mm ultrafiltration membrane module, used in cross-flow mode to separate water from relatively high solids applications and produce high effluent quality.
The Compact 55G is a tubular UF membrane module and is used for effluent treatment, membrane bioreators and leachate treatment.
To view all our X-Flow membrane elements click here.
The Compact 33 is a tubular 5.2 mm ultrafiltration membrane used in cross-flow mode in MBR’s and other high solids applications, and for separating oil from water in produced water.
The Compact 75G is a tubular UF membrane module and is used for large-scale MBR’s and waste water treatment of reuse projects.