X-Flow technologies have been developed to meet the challenges in the municipal water industry. These challenges are both quantitative as well as qualitative for potable water treatment and municipal wastewater treatment.
These challenges are compounded by the need to minimize water losses during processing while maximizing water recycling. Within this context are also usage and reclamation standards imposed by international, national and local agencies.
If you have any questions, please contact us.In some cases, bore holes for collection of ground water that were constructed many decades ago are constructed of bricks. When exposed to ground movement, cracks can develop which allows surface water to enter the bore holes. The traditionally clean ground water can then become contaminated with microorganisms. This is referred to as “ground water under the influence of surface water”. An alternative to shutting down the existing bore hole and constructing a new one is to use membrane technology to filter the ground water for potable water treatment. The X-Flow Xiga or Aquaflex technology can be used to filter the ground water to remove contaminants and guarantee complete removal of bacteria and viruses.Surface water contains microbiology as well as suspended solids. Sometimes dissolved organics are present that cause color in the surface water. X-Flow Xiga or Aquaflex technology can provide a reliable treatment system that eliminates the need for multiple treatment steps.
It can be enhanced by direct coagulation to provide esthetically pleasing water which is free of color. The X-Flow’s Hollow Fiber Nanofiltration technology can guarantee a chemical free removal of organics, suspended solids as well as microbiology in potable water treatment. More and more coastal communities are relying on seawater desalination for production of potable water. Reverse osmosis (RO) membranes used in desalination of seawater are extremely susceptible to fouling so the RO feed water needs to be virtually free of suspended solids and microorganisms. X-Flow’s Seaguard and Seaflex membranes guarantee the best possible water to the desalination plant in potable water treatment.